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cancel is a subcommand for cancelling submitted plan identified by its uid. Cancelling is available for any build/oebuild/test state, except finished.

tuxsuite plan cancel 1t2giSA1sSKFADKPrl0YI1gjMLb


get is a subcommand which fetches the details for the plan identified by its uid.

tuxsuite plan get 1t2gzLqkWHi2ldxDETNMVHPYBYo


list is a subcommand which fetches the latest 30 plans by default.

tuxsuite plan list

In order to restrict the number of plans fetched, --limit is used as follows:

tuxsuite plan list --limit 5

To get the output of the above commands in JSON format, use the following:

tuxsuite plan list --json --limit 2


submit is a subcommand for submitting plan files.

tuxsuite plan submit plan.yaml


wait is a subcommand which fetches the details for the plan identified by its uid, if the plan is in progress, it will update the details on screen. This will be handy to submit a plan and come back at a later point of time to watch the plan's progression.

tuxsuite plan wait 1yiHhE3rnithNxBudqxCrWBlWKp